The Launch - Exclusive Event at the Emirates Palace
Abu Dhabi. The seven-star Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi hosted a VIP launch event for the world premiere of its exclusive music CD from Airtime Dubai. VIPs from the Emirates were invited to the Gala Event, where Emirates Palace General Manager Hans Olbertz announced the release of the CD in the luxurious auditorium. The event featured many guests included Hamburg composer Jürgen Spiegel and Moroccan Poet Khalid Hajji.
Two European camera crews recorded the event for a high-definition music video
of "Dubai Nights, Volume One". The video, which will be available in BluRay
format, is scheduled for broadcast in Europe and USA when the CD is released
Airtime would like to express its very special thanks to the Abu Dhabi Folklore
and Theater
Soundtrack from official Emirates Palace Video "Skyline Shine" from "Dubai Nights"